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There is a lot of different software out there that businesses can use to help them run more efficiently. But which ones are the most popular? And which ones are the most useful for businesses? In this blog post, we'll take a look at the most used software in business, and how they can help your business run more smoothly.


The top 10 most popular business software programs are:


1. Microsoft Office

2. payroll software

3. CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

4. invoicing software

5. time tracking software

6. workforce management software

7. SAP

8. accounting software

9. human resources software

10. marketing software


Microsoft Office

Offers a wide range of features and tools that can help businesses be more productive and efficient.

Microsoft Office can be used for a variety of tasks such as creating and editing documents, managing email and calendars, and even creating presentations. 

It is available in a variety of different versions, so businesses can choose the one that best meets their needs. 

Microsoft Office is a versatile tool that can help businesses improve their operations.


payroll software

Helps the payroll process be more efficient.

Freelancers and independent contractors sometimes work autonomously, meaning they don’t always work at a fixed place or time. As a result, getting in their work and payments can be challenging. A software program that helps you manage and collect payments from these types of workers is an invaluable tool.

While there are many programs designed to help independent contractors get paid, few are known for their simplicity and ease of use. 

When looking for a software program to manage payments, 

Simplero should be at the top of your list. This software program not only automates the payment process but also allows you to add client feedback and reviews, further enhancing the working relationship. 


CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

 Helps companies manage their customer relationships by providing a centralized database that can be accessed by multiple users, It allows you to track customer information, centralize customer data, manage campaigns, and organize client interactions.

having software to manage customer relationships is crucial for any business today, whether you’re a startup or an established company.

The number of businesses using software programs to manage their customer relations increased from 44% in 2013 to 80% in 2022.

The advantage of having software at your fingertips is that you can streamline processes, save time,  and gain a deeper understanding of customer demographics and purchasing patterns,

When you can understand your customers, you can give them more of what they want and step into the role of advisor and trusted resource.

A customer relationship management (CRM) system can help you solidify your company’s bottom line through sales prospecting, leads, and more.


Invoicing software

Helps businesses send out invoices to customers after providing a service or selling a product.  

Customers are usually required to pay the invoice within a specified time, it's your business's method of verifying that they have done so.

While it's possible to manually create invoices in a word processing program, invoice software is designed to streamline the process. 

Such programs typically help you:

  1.  1. Create professional-looking invoices
  2.  2. Automate billing and accounting processes
  3.  3. Record payments from customers
  4.  4. Send reminders to customers who haven't paid
  5.  5. Track late payments and chargebacks

While most software programs are a one-time purchase, usually priced around $200 to $800, many are also offered as a monthly or yearly subscription, generally ranging from $10 to $30 per month

Time tracking software

Helps employees accurately track their time working, which can then be transferred over to help with creating invoices and assigning projects. 

Time-tracking software can also be used to monitor employee performance.

The data collected from time tracking can be monitored on a regular basis to ensure productivity and efficiency. 


Workforce management software

Helps businesses manage their staff effectively. 

This software program can keep track of employee details, job tasks, and scheduling. It can also track attendance, and provide a portal for payroll processing.

  • It can help reduce the workload of a human resources manager or an executive assistant. 
  • It can assist them in their job of managing employee benefits, arranging for leave, and recruiting new talent. 

Many software programs available today offer integrated human resources management solutions that are fully compatible with leading business 



An enterprise software program that can help large or multi-national businesses manage all aspects of their business, SAP (Systems, Applications, and Products) is an integrated software suite developed in the 1970s by the German company SAP SE.

SAP software is commercially available or “licensed”, meaning that users must pay a set fee to use it. The latest edition of SAP’s bestselling business software program is SAP S/4  P (SAP Product Lifecycle Management) software.

As a business grows it requires more than just a ledger and book-keeping software to manage its financials and this is where SAP S/4 P comes in. This program offers a one-stop shop for financial and accounting, human resources, customer relationship management, supply chain management, and more. 

SAP S/4P is one of the most expensive business software programs a company can purchase, with licenses costing thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars apiece. Because of this, it’s uncommon to see smaller businesses purchasing it—instead, companies that have been in operation for at least a decade typically purchase SAP S 


Human resources software

There is a wide variety of software programs available to assist businesses with their human resources needs.

The most popular programs include those that help with tracking employee information, managing payroll, and benefits, and providing tools for performance management.

Other popular software programs include those that help with recruiting and onboarding new employees. By investing in quality human resources software, businesses can save time and money while also improving their overall HR function. 


Marketing Software

There are many software programs available to businesses for marketing purposes. Some of the most popular include those that help with creating marketing campaigns, managing digital media, and marketing your website. Others help with advertising your business online, creating website landing pages that increase conversion rates, and social media management. Marketing software can also be used to track the success of past campaigns in order to use this information to create more effective future campaigns.



Now that you know what software programs your business could benefit from, how do you determine which one is the best fit for you and your company?

When you shop for business software, you want to be sure that you pick a program that will actually meet your needs—and that you don’t spend thousands of dollars on a program that will gather digital dust on your computer. 

We atEasyntech know the business software market inside and out. We’ve tried, used, and reviewed hundreds of business software programs. And we know how to help you find the program that will make the most difference in your day-to-day operations.

Contact us to get started!



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author : Easyntech

we’re all about helping businesses shine in the digital space